Details of Example Database ________________________________________________________________________ System Information ======================================================================== generated by SchemaCrawler 16.25.2 generated on 2025-01-12 14:36:46 Tables ======================================================================== PUBLIC.BOOKS.AUTHORS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact details for book authors ID INTEGER NOT NULL FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL LASTNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ADDRESS1 VARCHAR(255) ADDRESS2 VARCHAR(255) CITY VARCHAR(50) STATE CHARACTER(2) POSTALCODE VARCHAR(10) COUNTRY VARCHAR(50) default 'USA' Primary Key PK_AUTHORS [primary key] ID Foreign Keys Z_FK_AUTHOR [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKAUTHORS.AUTHORID Indexes PK_AUTHORS [unique index] ID ascending IDX_B_AUTHORS [non-unique index] LASTNAME ascending FIRSTNAME ascending IDX_A_AUTHORS [non-unique index] CITY ascending STATE ascending POSTALCODE ascending COUNTRY ascending Triggers TRG_AUTHORS [trigger] after delete, per row [action statement] UPDATE BOOKS.PUBLISHERS SET PUBLISHER='Jacob'WHERE PUBLISHER='John' Table Constraints CHECK_UPPERCASE_STATE [check constraint] STATE BOOKS.AUTHORS.STATE=UPPER(BOOKS.AUTHORS.STATE) SYS_CT_10102 [check constraint] ID BOOKS.AUTHORS.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10103 [check constraint] FIRSTNAME BOOKS.AUTHORS.FIRSTNAME IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10104 [check constraint] LASTNAME BOOKS.AUTHORS.LASTNAME IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] SA --> OTHERUSER _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.AUTHORSLIST [view] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(20) LASTNAME VARCHAR(20) Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) Definition [definition] SELECT ID,FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME FROM BOOKS.AUTHORS Table Usage PUBLIC.BOOKS.AUTHORS [table] PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKAUTHORS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relationship between books and their authors, along with the latest updated information BOOKID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTHORID INTEGER NOT NULL SOMEDATA VARCHAR(30) Foreign Keys Z_FK_AUTHOR [foreign key, with no action] AUTHORID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.BOOKS.AUTHORS.ID SYS_FK_10118 [foreign key, with no action] BOOKID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKS.ID Indexes Z_FK_AUTHOR [non-unique index] AUTHORID ascending SYS_FK_10118 [non-unique index] BOOKID ascending UIDX_BOOKAUTHORS [unique index] BOOKID ascending AUTHORID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10116 [check constraint] BOOKID BOOKS.BOOKAUTHORS.BOOKID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10117 [check constraint] AUTHORID BOOKS.BOOKAUTHORS.AUTHORID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Details for published books ID INTEGER NOT NULL Unique (internal) id for book TITLE VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Book title DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255) Book description (Usually the blurb from the book jacket or promotional materials) PUBLISHERID INTEGER NOT NULL Foreign key to the book publisher PUBLICATIONDATE DATE Book publication date PRICE DOUBLE(64, 0) Current price for the book PREVIOUSEDITIONID INTEGER Primary Key PK_BOOKS [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_SALES_BOOK [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.BOOKID SYS_FK_10118 [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKAUTHORS.BOOKID FK_PREVIOUSEDITION [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..1) PREVIOUSEDITIONID Indexes PK_BOOKS [unique index] ID ascending U_PREVIOUSEDITION [unique index] PREVIOUSEDITIONID ascending FK_PREVIOUSEDITION [non-unique index] PREVIOUSEDITIONID ascending Table Constraints U_PREVIOUSEDITION [unique constraint] PREVIOUSEDITIONID SYS_CT_10109 [check constraint] ID BOOKS.BOOKS.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10110 [check constraint] TITLE BOOKS.BOOKS.TITLE IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10111 [check constraint] PUBLISHERID BOOKS.BOOKS.PUBLISHERID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS."Celebrities" [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Id" INTEGER NOT NULL NAME VARCHAR(20) Primary Key "PK_Celebrities" [primary key] "Id" Foreign Keys SYS_FK_10128 [foreign key, with no action] "Id" <--(0..1) PUBLIC.BOOKS."Celebrity Updates"."Celebrity Id" Indexes "PK_Celebrities" [unique index] "Id" ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10125 [check constraint] "Id" BOOKS."Celebrities"."Id" IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS."Celebrity Updates" [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Celebrity Id" INTEGER NOT NULL "UPDATE" VARCHAR(20) Primary Key "PK Celebrity Updates" [primary key] "Celebrity Id" Foreign Keys SYS_FK_10128 [foreign key, with no action] "Celebrity Id" (0..1)--> PUBLIC.BOOKS."Celebrities"."Id" Indexes "PK Celebrity Updates" [unique index] "Celebrity Id" ascending SYS_FK_10128 [non-unique index] "Celebrity Id" ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10127 [check constraint] "Celebrity Id" BOOKS."Celebrity Updates"."Celebrity Id" IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.COUPONS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER NOT NULL DATA CLOB COUPONS INTEGER ARRAY default ARRAY[] BOOKS VARCHAR(20) ARRAY[10] Primary Key PK_COUPONS [primary key] ID Indexes PK_COUPONS [unique index] ID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10091 [check constraint] ID BOOKS.COUPONS.ID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.CUSTOMERDATA [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER NOT NULL DATA VALID_STRING(20) Primary Key PK_CUSTOMERDATA [primary key] ID Indexes PK_CUSTOMERDATA [unique index] ID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10100 [check constraint] ID BOOKS.CUSTOMERDATA.ID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.CUSTOMERS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER NOT NULL FIRSTNAME NAME_TYPE NOT NULL LASTNAME NAME_TYPE NOT NULL AGE AGE_TYPE Primary Key PK_CUSTOMERS [primary key] ID Indexes PK_CUSTOMERS [unique index] ID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10093 [check constraint] ID BOOKS.CUSTOMERS.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10094 [check constraint] FIRSTNAME BOOKS.CUSTOMERS.FIRSTNAME IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10095 [check constraint] LASTNAME BOOKS.CUSTOMERS.LASTNAME IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.PUBLISHERS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of book publishers ID INTEGER NOT NULL auto-incremented Unique (internal) id for book publisher PUBLISHER VARCHAR(255) Name of book publisher Primary Key SYS_PK_10124 [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_ΒΙΒΛΊΑ_PUBLISHERS [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.BOOKS.ΒΙΒΛΊΑ.ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ Indexes SYS_PK_10124 [unique index] ID ascending Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.BOOKS.ΒΙΒΛΊΑ [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΌΣ SMALLINT NOT NULL ΤΊΤΛΟΣ VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΉ VARCHAR(255) ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ SMALLINT NOT NULL Primary Key PK_ΒΙΒΛΊΑ [primary key] ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΌΣ Foreign Keys FK_ΒΙΒΛΊΑ_PUBLISHERS [foreign key, with no action] ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ (0..many)--> PUBLIC.BOOKS.PUBLISHERS.ID Indexes FK_ΒΙΒΛΊΑ_PUBLISHERS [non-unique index] ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ ascending PK_ΒΙΒΛΊΑ [unique index] ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΌΣ ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10131 [check constraint] ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΌΣ BOOKS.ΒΙΒΛΊΑ.ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΌΣ IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10132 [check constraint] ΤΊΤΛΟΣ BOOKS.ΒΙΒΛΊΑ.ΤΊΤΛΟΣ IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10133 [check constraint] ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ BOOKS.ΒΙΒΛΊΑ.ΕΚΔΌΤΗΣ IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> SA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extra table with just a primary key WRITERID BIGINT NOT NULL PUBLICATIONID INTEGER NOT NULL ID INTEGER NOT NULL Primary Key PK_EXTRA_PK [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_PUBLICATION_JOIN [foreign key, with no action] PUBLICATIONID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.ID FK_WRITER_JOIN [foreign key, with no action] WRITERID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.WRITERS.ID Indexes FK_WRITER_JOIN [non-unique index] WRITERID ascending PK_EXTRA_PK [unique index] ID ascending FK_PUBLICATION_JOIN [non-unique index] PUBLICATIONID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10180 [check constraint] WRITERID FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK.WRITERID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10181 [check constraint] PUBLICATIONID FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK.PUBLICATIONID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10182 [check constraint] ID FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK.ID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT."Global Counts" [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Global Count" INTEGER Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER NOT NULL TITLE VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Publication title DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255) WRITERID BIGINT NOT NULL PUBLICATIONDATE DATE PRICE DOUBLE(64, 0) "UPDATE" CLOB PRESS_RELEASE CLOB Primary Key PK_PUBLICATIONS [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_PUBLICATION_JOIN [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK.PUBLICATIONID FK_PUBLICATIONS_WRITER [foreign key, with no action] WRITERID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.WRITERS.ID FK_PUBLICATION [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONWRITERS.PUBLICATIONID FK_WRITERS_PUBLICATION [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.WRITERS.PUBLICATION_ID Indexes FK_PUBLICATIONS_WRITER [non-unique index] WRITERID ascending PK_PUBLICATIONS [unique index] ID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10165 [check constraint] ID FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10166 [check constraint] TITLE FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.TITLE IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10167 [check constraint] WRITERID FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.WRITERID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONWRITERS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLICATIONID INTEGER NOT NULL WRITERID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign Keys FK_PUBLICATION [foreign key, with no action] PUBLICATIONID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.ID FK_WRITER [foreign key, with no action] WRITERID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.WRITERS.ID Indexes FK_WRITER [non-unique index] WRITERID ascending FK_PUBLICATION [non-unique index] PUBLICATIONID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10172 [check constraint] PUBLICATIONID FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONWRITERS.PUBLICATIONID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10173 [check constraint] WRITERID FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONWRITERS.WRITERID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.SELFREFERENCE [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID INTEGER NOT NULL TITLE VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Primary Key PK_SELFREFERENCE [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_SELFREFERENCE [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..1) ID Indexes PK_SELFREFERENCE [unique index] ID ascending FK_SELFREFERENCE [non-unique index] ID ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10188 [check constraint] ID FOR_LINT.SELFREFERENCE.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10189 [check constraint] TITLE FOR_LINT.SELFREFERENCE.TITLE IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.WRITERS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID BIGINT NOT NULL FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL LASTNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ADDRESS1 VARCHAR(255) ADDRESS2 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL CITY VARCHAR(50) STATE VARCHAR(2) POSTALCODE VARCHAR(10) COUNTRY VARCHAR(50) PHONE1 VARCHAR(10) PHONE2 VARCHAR(15) EMAIL1 VARCHAR(10) EMAIL2 INTEGER FAX VARCHAR(10) FAX3 INTEGER HOMEEMAIL11 VARCHAR(10) HOMEEMAIL12 VARCHAR(10) PUBLICATION_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Primary Key PK_WRITERS [primary key] ID Foreign Keys FK_WRITER_JOIN [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.EXTRA_PK.WRITERID FK_PUBLICATIONS_WRITER [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.WRITERID FK_WRITER [foreign key, with no action] ID <--(0..many) PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONWRITERS.WRITERID FK_WRITERS_PUBLICATION [foreign key, with no action] PUBLICATION_ID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.FOR_LINT.PUBLICATIONS.ID Indexes PK_WRITERS [unique index] ID ascending FK_WRITERS_PUBLICATION [non-unique index] PUBLICATION_ID ascending IDX_A1_WRITERS [non-unique index] CITY ascending STATE ascending IDX_U_WRITERS [unique index] EMAIL1 ascending COUNTRY ascending IDX_B_WRITERS [non-unique index] LASTNAME ascending FIRSTNAME ascending IDX_A_WRITERS [non-unique index] CITY ascending STATE ascending POSTALCODE ascending COUNTRY ascending Table Constraints CHECK_UPPERCASE_STATE [check constraint] STATE FOR_LINT.WRITERS.STATE=UPPER(FOR_LINT.WRITERS.STATE) SYS_CT_10154 [check constraint] ID FOR_LINT.WRITERS.ID IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10155 [check constraint] FIRSTNAME FOR_LINT.WRITERS.FIRSTNAME IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10156 [check constraint] LASTNAME FOR_LINT.WRITERS.LASTNAME IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10157 [check constraint] ADDRESS2 FOR_LINT.WRITERS.ADDRESS2 IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10158 [check constraint] PUBLICATION_ID FOR_LINT.WRITERS.PUBLICATION_ID IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL STATE VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL POSTALCODE VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COUNTRY VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL Primary Key PK_CUSTOMERS [primary key] POSTALCODE COUNTRY Foreign Keys FK_SALES_REGIONS [foreign key, with no action] POSTALCODE <--(0..many) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.POSTALCODE COUNTRY <--(0..many) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.COUNTRY Indexes PK_CUSTOMERS [unique index] POSTALCODE ascending COUNTRY ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10202 [check constraint] CITY "PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.CITY IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10203 [check constraint] STATE "PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.STATE IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10204 [check constraint] POSTALCODE "PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.POSTALCODE IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10205 [check constraint] COUNTRY "PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.COUNTRY IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALES [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POSTALCODE VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COUNTRY VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL BOOKID INTEGER COUPON_ID INTEGER PERIODENDDATE DATE TOTALAMOUNT DOUBLE(64, 0) SALESDATAID INTEGER Foreign Keys FK_SALES_BOOK [foreign key, with no action] BOOKID (0..many)--> PUBLIC.BOOKS.BOOKS.ID FK_SALES_SALESDATA [foreign key, with no action] SALESDATAID (0..many)--> PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALESDATA.SALESDATAID FK_SALES_REGIONS [foreign key, with no action] POSTALCODE (0..many)--> PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.POSTALCODE COUNTRY (0..many)--> PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".REGIONS.COUNTRY Indexes FK_SALES_BOOK [non-unique index] BOOKID ascending FK_SALES_SALESDATA [non-unique index] SALESDATAID ascending FK_SALES_REGIONS [non-unique index] POSTALCODE ascending COUNTRY ascending Table Constraints SYS_CT_10211 [check constraint] POSTALCODE "PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.POSTALCODE IS NOT NULL SYS_CT_10212 [check constraint] COUNTRY "PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.COUNTRY IS NOT NULL Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALESDATA [table] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALESDATAID INTEGER YEARLYAMOUNT DOUBLE(64, 0) Foreign Keys FK_SALES_SALESDATA [foreign key, with no action] SALESDATAID <--(0..many) PUBLIC."PUBLISHER SALES".SALES.SALESDATAID Indexes UQ_CUSTOMERS [unique index] SALESDATAID ascending Table Constraints UQ_CUSTOMERS [unique constraint] SALESDATAID Privileges and Grants DELETE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) INSERT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) REFERENCES [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) SELECT [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) TRIGGER [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) UPDATE [privilege] _SYSTEM --> DBA (grantable) Data Types ======================================================================== BIGINT [data type] defined with no parameters nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like BINARY [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable BIT [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like BLOB [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable BOOLEAN [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like CHARACTER [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable CLOB [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable DATE [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like DECIMAL [data type] defined with PRECISION,SCALE nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like DOUBLE [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like FLOAT [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like INTEGER [data type] defined with no parameters nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like NUMERIC [data type] defined with PRECISION,SCALE nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like NVARCHAR [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable OTHER [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like REAL [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like SMALLINT [data type] defined with no parameters nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like TIME [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like TIMESTAMP [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like TIME WITH TIME ZONE [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like TINYINT [data type] defined with no parameters nullable auto-incrementable searchable except with where .. like UUID [data type] defined with no parameters nullable not auto-incrementable searchable VARBINARY [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable VARCHAR [data type] defined with LENGTH nullable not auto-incrementable searchable PUBLIC.BOOKS.AGE_TYPE [user defined data type] defined with no parameters not nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable based on SMALLINT PUBLIC.BOOKS."INTEGER ARRAY" [user defined data type] defined with no parameters not nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable based on PUBLIC.BOOKS.NAME_TYPE [user defined data type] defined with no parameters not nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable based on PUBLIC.BOOKS.VALID_STRING [user defined data type] defined with no parameters not nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable based on PUBLIC.BOOKS."VARCHAR(20) ARRAY[10]" [user defined data type] defined with no parameters not nullable not auto-incrementable not searchable based on