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Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool

SchemaCrawler Plugins

There are several ways to use and extend SchemaCrawler.

Database Scripting

You can script against your database, using the scripting language of your choice. A live database connection is provided. For more information, see SchemaCrawler Database Scripting.

Use SchemaCrawler in an Apache Maven Project

To use SchemaCrawler in your [Apache Maven] projects, add a dependency to SchemaCrawler in your pom.xml, as described in the Getting Started.

Plugin New SchemaCrawler Commands

You can create a new SchemaCrawler command, and plug it into the SchemaCrawler framework.

Fork the schemacrawler/SchemaCrawler-Plugins-Starter project, and build a jar from the example-command-plugin. Place this jar on SchemaCrawler’s CLASSPATH (or drop it into the lib/ directory, and your new command will be available to SchemaCrawler.

Plugin New SchemaCrawler Linters

You can create a new SchemaCrawler linter, and plug it into the SchemaCrawler framework.

Fork the schemacrawler/SchemaCrawler-Plugins-Starter project, and build a jar from the example-lint-plugin. Place this jar on SchemaCrawler’s CLASSPATH (or drop it into the lib/ directory, and your new linter will be available to SchemaCrawler.

Plugin New SchemaCrawler Database Connectors

You can create a new SchemaCrawler connector for a database, and plug it into the SchemaCrawler framework.

Fork the schemacrawler/SchemaCrawler-Plugins-Starter project, and build a jar from the example-dbconnector-plugin. Place this jar on SchemaCrawler’s CLASSPATH (or drop it into the lib/ directory, and your new database connector will be available to SchemaCrawler.