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Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool

Programming with SchemaCrawler

Using SchemaCrawler in Your Projects

Jars from the Central Repository

All of the SchemaCrawler jars are available on The Central Repository. They can be used as dependencies in Gradle or Apache Maven projects, or with any other build system that supports the Central Repository.

Apache Maven Projects

In order to use SchemaCrawler in your Apache Maven projects, add a dependency to SchemaCrawler in your pom.xml.


Gradle Projects

In order to use SchemaCrawler in your Gradle projects, add a dependency to SchemaCrawler in your build.gradle.

dependencies {
  compile group: 'us.fatehi', name: 'schemacrawler', version: '16.23.2'

SchemaCrawler Docker Image

The official SchemaCrawler Docker image is available on Docker Hub. The SchemaCrawler command-line and the interactive shell are available in the image, with open-source or freely distributable JDBC drivers.

Building From the Source Code

Pre-requisites for Building

Apache Maven Build

The Apache Maven build is a comprehensive build that runs unit tests, constructs the SchemaCrawler jar, and can also create the project web-site.

You can create the SchemaCrawler distribution by running mvn -Ddistrib package. The SchemaCrawler distribution will be created in the target of the schemacrawler-distrib module.

Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA

Before importing the various SchemaCrawler projects into Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, make sure that you have a successful Apache Maven build. Apache Maven will download all the dependencies needed to build SchemaCrawler.