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Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool

Docker Image for SchemaCrawler

Start the SchemaCrawler Docker Container

SchemaCrawler is distrubuted with an image on Docker Hub. Run the SchemaCrawler Docker container like this:

docker run \
-v $(pwd):/home/schcrwlr/share \
--name schemacrawler \
--rm -i -t \
--entrypoint=/bin/bash \

The SchemaCrawler Docker container starts with a non-privileged user schcrwlr in group users. Please ensure that the mount point for the SchemaCrawler Docker container is writable by user 1000 in group 100 on the host.

Use the SchemaCrawler Interactive Shell

Once you start the SchemaCrawler Docker container, you can start the SchemaCrawler Interactive Shell with:

schemacrawler --shell

From within the shell, type help for a list of commands. See information on how to use SchemaCrawler Interactive Shell.

Use the following script from within the shell to create a sample diagram

connect --server=sqlite --database=sc.db
load --info-level=minimum
execute --command list

The easiest way to learn how to use the SchemaCrawler Interactive Shell is by doing the live online tutorial. The tutorial works from within any browser with no software or plugins needed.

Run the SchemaCrawler Command-line

Once you start the SchemaCrawler Docker container, you can start SchemaCrawler from the command-line within the container, like this:

schemacrawler \
--server=sqlite --database=sc.db \
--info-level=maximum --command=schema

The easiest way to learn how to use the SchemaCrawler command-line is by doing the live online tutorial. The tutorial works from within any browser with no software or plugins needed.

How to Run SchemaCrawler With a Modified Configuration

Run the SchemaCrawler Docker image using the command above, to get a new container, with a command shell.

Edit the SchemaCrawler configuration properties file within the container, using:


Then, run SchemaCrawler from the command-line within the container.

How to Extend the SchemaCrawler Docker Image

The SchemaCrawler Docker image can be extended to include any additional local jar files, such as proprietary JDBC drivers that cannot be publicly distributed. The following procedure is intended for privately built Docker images.

  1. Create a Dockerfile using this template.
  2. Include any additional jar files in the project directory.
  3. In the directory containing your Docker file, run the Docker build command.